Energy System

Energy System

Energy replenishes 25% every 6 hours until it reaches to the Energy Cap. Users start with one Bicycle and 2 Energy Caps. Users can increase their max. Energy by holding more Bicycles. The calculation is as follows:

Additional Energy (cumulative) is given to users for higher Quality Bicycle:

  1. Owning an Uncommon Bicycle: +1 Energy

  2. Owning a Rare Bicycle: +2 Energy

  3. Owning an Epic Bicycle: +3 Energy

  4. Owning a Legendary Bicycle: +4 Energy


1 Uncommon Bicycle + 1 Common Bicycle = 3 Total Energy (2 Base Energy + 1 Bonus)


2 Rare Bicycle + 1 Common Bicycle = 8 Total Energy (4 Base Energy + 4 Bonus)

Last updated